What are the Room Rules?

What are the Room Rules?

Everyone is welcome to create a Room on StockTwits! Each StockTwits Room will have their own set of room rules determined by the Room owner. While StockTwits will not be directly moderating/enforcing any individual room rules, we still expect certain … Continued
How do I create a Room?

How do I create a Room?

To create a room, visit the Rooms page on the top nav. Press the Create A Room button. From there, you’ll fill out: The Room name The subject of the room (be it a Stock or a Topic) Stocks and/or topics … Continued
How do I join a Room?

How do I join a Room?

To join a Room, visit the Rooms landing page on the top navigation bar. From there, you’ll be able to view and discover Rooms (sorted either by POPULAR or NEWEST). To join the Room’s waitlist, press the “JOIN THE WAITLIST” next to each … Continued
How can I search for existing rooms?

How can I search for existing rooms?

If you’re looking for a particular Room, you can browse specific Room topics on the Rooms page. On the list of Rooms (sorted by POPULAR and NEWEST), you can browse by topic under the SELECT A TOPIC dropdown menu. You’ll … Continued
How can I find the newest or most popular Rooms?

How can I find the newest or most popular Rooms?

If you’re looking for a particular Room, you can browse specific Room topics on the Rooms page. On the list of Rooms, you’ll find all sorts of Rooms sorted by POPULAR and NEWEST. Click them to sort the Rooms list … Continued